Comment: The majority of individuals seeking financial childcare support did so for the purposes of participating in a full production. The next significant groups sought general support for work-life balance and creative generation/professional development.
Comment: for amounts as low as $500, individuals documented that the PAAL financial assistant via grants, as low as $500 per person, consisted of anywhere from half the support available to the only support an individual would have on a project for 60% of the applicants.
Comment: 49% of parents seeking childcare financial solutions were new parents with children only as old as 3 years old. 42% were young parents with children only as old as nine.
Comment: An overwhelming majority of seekers for financial childcare support had only one or two children. This statistic is not a far deviation from the national average of 1.9 children per family in the United States (2018 Statista). The limitation on this sample to consider also is that the grant support amount may be ideal for supporting 1-2 children but insufficient for multiples beyond it due to increased childcare rates.
Comment: An overwhelming majority of individuals seeking financial assistance for childcare considered almost all areas of opportunity “significantly reduced,” including promotional opportunity, new work opportunity, and creative opportunity with others. 75-80% characterized their promotional opportunity, new work opportunity, and creative opportunity to work with others as somewhat stalled, significantly reduced, or halted completely.
54% found their individual creativity characterized as somewhat stalled/slowed, significantly reduced, or halted completely.
Comment: of the individuals seeking financial childcare assistance, an overwhelming 86% cited excess burden due to additional caregiving responsibilities in addition to basic parenting responsibilities, including single/solo parenting (21%), having a child with special needs (21%), having a partner with health complications (15%), having health complications themselves (15%), having a child with health complications (8%), having a partner with disabilities/special or having disabilities/special needs themselves (6%).